Saturday, October 9, 2010

Updates from Africa

Hello my faithful blog followers! It has been quite the week. Pastor Martin Russell has been in Tanzania visiting, he is the man that helped me set my trip up! He has invited me to random places this week, and i have seen a lot more of Tanzania because of it:) On Monday we went to a Maasi congregation church. The choir was so wonderful, and we were treated with great gifts when we left. On Tuesday we went and visited a school, and it is located on a very beautiful part of the mountain! On Thursday we went and saw a water well that was built by the Northern Diocese in a village that needed it so very badly. It was very hot and dry out there in Checkereni! I got some sunshine that day. On the way back to Moshi we stopped and saw some caves. Workers used to work there for $1 a day carrying bricks out of the caved on their head up very steep inclines. I got some pictures that you all can see when I get home!

Monday I leave for my Safari to Ngorogoro Crater and the Serengeti. I am sure that I will have lots to report when I return! I am looking forward to seeing all of the wonderful animals and that part of this country!

Now an update from the Orphanage! Things are going so wonderfully. The 2 year old house has finally learned my name, and they chant it throughout the day whether I am around or not. They are absolutely precious! My favorite time of the day is when I get to help with bath time and then help feed them dinner! I am learning to laugh a lot more and to just got with the flow of two years olds. Everynight before I go eat my dinner, I have been going in and saying goodnight to them. Last night they were all sitting on their potties eating suckers and just loving life. It was such a wonderful moment:) The 13 of them truly love each other like brother and sisters. If one is sad someone is right there to rub their back. If one of them is falling behind the others sure enough someone will go and grab their hand and help them along. Of course they fight like all 2 year olds do, but they are just so darn cute! They are showing me such a great example of love and kindness.

The sisters are wonderful and take very very good care of me:) They are always so full of joy and laughter that it is contagious! So whenever I am home sick or not feeling that well, it is easy to get cheered back up if you hang around these ladies for a little while!

And lastly I will leave you with this, on the dala dala into town this morning, i was sitting in the back and they opened the trunk to put in a bag and a chicken flies out and goes between my feet and rides under the seat ahead of me for the rest of the trip...priceless.

Only in Africa! Thank you so much for the support and prayers. I will update again when I am back from Safari! God Bless.

Love Molly


  1. Hey Molly!! I definitely look up to you for going to Africa and giving your time to these people who are truly in need of more people like you! Your chicken story cracked me up! I got the goosebumps when reading about the 2 year olds chanting your name and being so loving toward one another! I love that even in the worst situations, children are still full of love and laughter! :) What you are doing is inspiring!

  2. Well...that makes me remember the time when our "faithful" rooster chased me around the farm when I was a kid. Scared to death of that thing! We tried to knock it out, hit it w/buckets, and locked it in buildings. Wouldn't Jeff Foxworthy get a chuckle out of that? Why didn't you just kill it?? Here's your sign award!@?

    Only in redneck Nebraska country! We miss you and thx for keeping in touch w/ my 5t gr. students!!

  3. Molly-
    Glad you are having such a great time. I love that age of kids, because they are so loving and cuddly and appreciative. They will be looking for you long after you leave. and they will be in your heart forever. Take lots of pictures and do lots of journaling about it as soon as you can, when everything is fresh. You will treasure this experience...

  4. Hey Molly...I lost your blog address...I just got it from Quenton today. Wow have things changed since I read your last blog. Sounds like you're almost "at home" there! :) Even though I haven't been on your blog...I'm praying for you.

  5. Molly, I love following your adventure and can't wait to see pictures. I have the tea and snacks ready and Larry and I are practicing out dance.

    Take care of yourself as you take care of the children of Africa. My thoughts and prayers are with you.


  6. Molly, It sounds like you are having a good time. It sounds so fulfilling. Helping those children really sounds like you have your hands full, but in a good way. You are doing such great work!! Keep it up!! We miss you!! Can't wait to see pics!!

    Love Willowe
